Day 008 — Continual Learning

Learning to startup
2 min readSep 14, 2020

My experience with React Native so far…

Why Build A Mobile App?

I wrote about my reasons more thoroughly in this post.

Basically, I have been gathering feedback and discovered that people want this product as a mobile app. Long story short, 90% of people would prefer to use it on a mobile device, rather than a computer.

Well duh… You might think?

I’m a little different to most people. I find the phone a bit distracting. Plus I’m a software developer, so I spend a lot of time at my computer.

So this really helped me to see the true value of asking questions and gathering feedback. I’m sure you’ve heard this advice in business before, but ask yourself this question:

Have you ever asked for feedback in your business?

Learning React Native

What is React Native you might ask?
It’s a programming framework designed by Facebook to help people do more with less effort. You can check it out here. It helps developers to write two applications at once (using Javascript), instead of writing one application for Android phones and one for Apple iOS phones.

So by learning this framework, I can write my mobile app for both Apple and Android phones. All at the same time.

Where I’m Learning

For anyone who does not code — Learning to code is not as difficult as it looks.

I found this amazing resource online to learn React Native by a guy named Mosh. I started with this video and then moved onto his full course which only costs US$20 per month. It’s mind boggling how accessible all this information is in this day and age.

Of course, if you have never done software development before, I would suggest doing some other courses first. You must be a caterpillar before you can be a butterfly, as the saying goes.

Next Stop?

So, that’s where I’m up to in my journey. I’m currently gathering more feedback (I have 4 calls each day this week) and am designing the wireframes for the app as well.

I want the app to be finished already, but I’m practicing patience and know I must learn what people want before I can build it.



Learning to startup

Daily thoughts from a young entrepreneur, finding peace and purpose in his journey to fulfilment. My name is George.